Having problems with your hygiene department?
Hygiene Team not
up to standard?
Hygiene not as
it should be?
Controls and documentation
all over the place?
You just don’t have the time to resolve all the issues and have audits looming….
Having problems with your hygiene department?
- Hygiene Team not up to standard?
- Hygiene not as it should be?
- Controls and documentation all over the place?
- You just don’t have the time to resolve all the issues and have audits looming….

Hygiene Assistance
We will take care of your hygiene requirements or assist your on site team in order to improve hygiene and incorporate a hygiene schedule. WE can do it all, or just assist.
- Implement a team of skilled hygiene operatives to carry out your hygiene tasks or assist your on site team.
- Daily supervision, guidance or advice.
- Provide basic hygiene materials and equipment and advise you on the correct items to purchase – implement colour coding and shadow boards.
Recruitment and Training
We will recruit your on- site hygiene team, from advertisement , through the interview process and on boarding – We will then train them to a specific standard, we will even performance manage your existing staff if necessary – at the same time we will devise all your training records and training matrices.
- Recruit your on- site team from advertisement, to interviewing and on boarding.
- Train your team alongside ours in order to achieve the correct standard.
- Performance manage your existing team or just advise you on good practice.
- Coach and mentor the team.
- Implement training matrices and training records for all staff.

We can assist with your hygiene budget incorporating all of your requirements, which will include working to lean principals and prioritising all of those important tasks.
- We can manage or assist with your hygiene budget and advise you of priority requirements – we will cater our costs to your budget.
- Provide advice on more effective ways of working
– Lean principals, time management. - Look at ways in which we can save money for you
by improving methodology.
Hygiene Documentation and Audits
We will assist you with your Hygiene Documentation, providing information and advice for those all important Audit Files !
- Provide information or review your cleaning instruction cards and risk assessments.
- Review and improve deep clean schedules, working with production and planning.
- Sign off for all hygienic deep clean tasks.
- Attendance at major audits to support.
- Completion of hygiene audits – internal and external.
- Photographic reports and certificates of authentication.